Sunday 10 July 2011

Time Magazine's Stinky Top 25 Animated Movies List (bllllllllll, rasberry)

I clearly haven't researched the artists that I was going to, so instead here's a list of my favourite animated movies. Time Magazine made a quite bad (I thought) list of the top 25 animated feature films. So, here's my list of my favourite 25 animated feature films of all time. Secret of Nimh is number 1, but the rest are in no order.
The Secret of Nimh
The Jungle Book
Robin Hood
The Aristocats
The Fox and the Hound
The Flight of the Dragons
The Polar Express
Animal Farm
James and the Giant Peach
The Iron Giant
Despicable Me
Monsters Inc.
Wall E.
Toy Story 2
Watership Down
Disney's Christmas Carol (with Jim Carey)
The Land Before Time
An American Tale
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Wallace and Grommit - The Wrong Trousers
The 12 Tasks of Asterix
My Neighbour Totoro
The Grave of the Fireflies,28804,2079149_2079152,00.html

I'm going to call my list my favourites, but if it were the best then I slip Sleeping Beauty and a few others in there. But this i my favourites. I had to knock a few films out of the list. it was very painful. 'Up' was a casualty and 'Fantasia' and 'Pinocchio' amongst others to make it 25.

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