Saturday 30 July 2011

Tokimonsta - Cheese Smoothie

I thought she was a Japanese DJ, which is why I bought the album on a whim. But, in fact, she's from LA and the album is amazing! I've never heard of her before (although the album was on display) but I really think she should at least be as big as Flying Lotus, because it's really good stuff. Just my cup of cheese-smoothie.

Friday 29 July 2011

Like Cats and Mice

They are thin.
They are fat.
They eat like mice.
They eat like cats.
They should eat more
Food that's BIG!
They are greedy
Like a PIG!

I wrote it the other day, but I don't know if it's good or not. It's just meant to be funny.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Louis C.K on Jimmy Kimmel

I like Jimmy Kimmel, but knew NONE of the guests when I looked down the list on youtube. There was one, however, who's great. He's pretty rude in his stand-up routine, but not so much so in this interview. Can't wait to watch his show.

Robin Ince, funny comedian.

Came across this guy. He's very funny, so please listen. Stand-up. (Him, not you). Message ends.

Robin Ince, stand-up comedian.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Monday 25 July 2011

David Mitchell - Unusually Smart Men

Sorry David Mitchell, but I HATE wearing a dickey-bow! I'm certainly not cool, just not a natural bow-tie wearer. I have a black tie with a black paisley design on it though, so sorry for ruining things for you. Funny rant from David M. Enjoy!

Friday 22 July 2011

ee cummings - why must itself up every of a park

I just read this and it blew me away. I want to read more poetry and I think this was a good start. It's the beginning of a poem.

why must itself up every of a park
anus stick some quote statue unquote to
prove that a hero equals any jerk
who was afraid to dare to answer "no"?

I take it to question what is a hero. Sometimes I think it's strange too, when someone's elevated above other people because they got shot.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Fry's English Delight - Stephen Fry Talking About 'Brevity'

I'm either getting old or... no, that's it really. I'm getting old and I found something on radio 4, about language, incredibly interesting. Here's Stephen Fry talking about 'Brevity' and the English language. Includes Tim Vine, which can only be a good thing.

Fry's English Delight - Brevity

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Shawn Lane's Guitar Has a Face! (And It's Friend Plays a Solo and Abstract Logic)

 Why on earth wouldn't the little blighter be happy with stuff like this (albeit on a different, but equally merry,  guitar)- 

Crazy Parkour! Damien Walters

Parkour is insanely skilled, athletic and amazing. This is Damien Walters and here's some info I stole off Wikipedia (which I edited a bit):

Damien Walters is a former British gymnast of Derbyshire. He participated in four Trampoline World Championships... Since then he has not participated in further tournaments and has focused on his other projects, mainly his career as a stuntman, but he also appeared in a few commercials and performed in acrobatic shows.

Walters has had the role of stuntman in the films Hellboy IIKick-AssNinja Assassin and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In 2010, he won the Taurus World Stunt Awards for "Best Fight" in the film Ninja Assassin'.[4] He will also appear in the upcoming films BlitzThe Eagle and Steven Spielberg's I Am Number Four.

Damien Walters also has a passion for Parkour and Freerunning where he incorporates his gymnastic skills as well as his stuntman abilities. On YouTube he is one of the most watched Freerunners with his videos having a total of over 30 million views.

Currently he is running his own gym in Derbyshire and shooting films.

So there you go - talented bloke!

Monday 18 July 2011

New Things that Look Like Faces (18th July 2011)

Most of the pictures I'm going to put up of things that look like faces are from an exhibition that I took part in, but these are a few new ones that I like. 

I shall call them Totoro, Boosh, The Toothsayer and Pig Thing.

The Soft Hearted Scientists

This is a really simple song by a group called The Soft Hearted Scientists, which I heard on Lauren Laverne on BBC Radio 6. It's one of those that just strikes you, especially since so much these days is so over-produced. I don't really understand why a lot of guitar type groups need to make music sound like it's made in a studio. Surely part of the magic comes from it sounding like it's from the heart. 

They're a psychedelic folk band from Cardiff, Wales. Their debut album is called 'Wandermoon' and is out on August 8th (2 days after my birthday!) on The Hip Replacement label (which I couldn't find any info about). (no www.)

Thursday 14 July 2011

South Africa

Chiharu is going to South Africa tomorrow for 9 days. Hope she has a great time. Hope I can visit there one day, it sounds amazing!

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Henning Wehn - German Comedian

I love this guy! It seems like there's more foreign comedians these days. It seems pretty refreshing to see different perspectives etc. 

Sunday 10 July 2011

Time Magazine's Stinky Top 25 Animated Movies List (bllllllllll, rasberry)

I clearly haven't researched the artists that I was going to, so instead here's a list of my favourite animated movies. Time Magazine made a quite bad (I thought) list of the top 25 animated feature films. So, here's my list of my favourite 25 animated feature films of all time. Secret of Nimh is number 1, but the rest are in no order.
The Secret of Nimh
The Jungle Book
Robin Hood
The Aristocats
The Fox and the Hound
The Flight of the Dragons
The Polar Express
Animal Farm
James and the Giant Peach
The Iron Giant
Despicable Me
Monsters Inc.
Wall E.
Toy Story 2
Watership Down
Disney's Christmas Carol (with Jim Carey)
The Land Before Time
An American Tale
The Nightmare Before Christmas
Wallace and Grommit - The Wrong Trousers
The 12 Tasks of Asterix
My Neighbour Totoro
The Grave of the Fireflies,28804,2079149_2079152,00.html

I'm going to call my list my favourites, but if it were the best then I slip Sleeping Beauty and a few others in there. But this i my favourites. I had to knock a few films out of the list. it was very painful. 'Up' was a casualty and 'Fantasia' and 'Pinocchio' amongst others to make it 25.

Friday 8 July 2011

It's a roll over! And Cut Glass and Whine.

I was going to write about the artists from yesterday, but I'm so very very tired and need to sleep!  So, I'll do that tomorrow and here's a poem instead. I had it jotted down in the notes section of my phone and kept coming back to it. The photo was from me playing with my new camera. The face is me and the body is Chiharu - I didn't steal her clothes! The poem's not about me and Chi though, it was just about the word play really but it's also about getting drunk and complaining. It's happened to the best of us!

Cut Glass and Whine

I have been cut.
The glass has been cut.
I am half-cut.

For anyone who doesn't know, 'half-cut' means drunk or a bit drunk. 

Thursday 7 July 2011

Caspar David Friedrich (AND Frederic Edwin Church)

I can't remember what I was taught about this guy and I can't find my favourite painting by him either, so here's a few great ones that I did find. It's man against nature I think, or rather the awesomeness of nature in the face of man and the new age of materialism in the west. I'm pretty sure that's it in a nutshell. I'll have a dig around tomorrow and report back. 

  1. Polar Sea (The Destroyed Hope)
  2. Cemetery
  3. Wreck in the Moonlight 
Aaaaaah, ok, I figured out why I couldn't find my favourite painting by Caspar David Friedrich (and why I though he was American). It's because I'm an idiot and the painting I was looking for was actually by Frederic Edwin Church (who was American). THAT painting is called Twilight in the Wilderness. I remember it from my art degree at Liverpool John Moores and it looks like this - 

I just think it's amazing. I'll look for some more information and the artists and artworks tomorrow. Now bed zzzzzzzzzz.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Gil Scott-Heron and Jamie xx - 'NY Is Killing Me'

I'd love to go to New York. I've never listened to Gil before, it's so often the case that I get into things after an artist passes away or a band splits, but better late than never! I wasn't as taken with the xx album as everyone else was, but I'm in love with this tune.

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Super 8

I finally saw Super 8 at the weekend with the Chi (my girlfriend). There was a key scene in the movie, for me at least. It was when the group of wannabe film-makers were filming Alison for the first time and it was the best piece of acting in the whole movie. The kids thought so too and were blown away by the sincerity of her performance. I liked this scene because it let me take the rest of the movie less seriously, with a pinch of salt. It said "these people can act but this is an adventure, so just enjoy it", which I did. The script varied from being great and funny and the homage to 80s Spielberg-esque kids adventures (ET, The Goonies, Flight of the Navigator, Stand By Me) that it was meant to be, and giving out lines that were so corny and stinky that even the audience laughed in the Japanese cinema where I was watching it. The moment that springs to mind is where the chubby gang-leader admits that he also fancies Alison. 

The film starts out much better than it ends, as it starts tripping over it's feet as the pace gets faster and faster, but that's ok. It's a homage to the kind of movies people don't make anymore. I don't know why they don't, it's a shame. Maybe Schindler's List killed them off (not that I'm blaming the Jews after all they've been through already) but this was a welcome return for the kind of kids-together-against-the-world movie, which lets you reminisce and enjoy the journey, just like them. Enjoy! 

Oh yeah and the army guy isn't Biff from Back to the Future. But I thought it was all through the film and it was AMAZING!

Sunday 3 July 2011

Joey Beltram - Forklift

I wish I knew more techno, but I came across this one while I was looking for Brooklyn Bridge by Steve Stoll (which isn't on youtube! [yet]). Just the kind of thing I wanted though. I love techno that drives me on - it's the best feeling. This one's great.