Wednesday 20 July 2011

Crazy Parkour! Damien Walters

Parkour is insanely skilled, athletic and amazing. This is Damien Walters and here's some info I stole off Wikipedia (which I edited a bit):

Damien Walters is a former British gymnast of Derbyshire. He participated in four Trampoline World Championships... Since then he has not participated in further tournaments and has focused on his other projects, mainly his career as a stuntman, but he also appeared in a few commercials and performed in acrobatic shows.

Walters has had the role of stuntman in the films Hellboy IIKick-AssNinja Assassin and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In 2010, he won the Taurus World Stunt Awards for "Best Fight" in the film Ninja Assassin'.[4] He will also appear in the upcoming films BlitzThe Eagle and Steven Spielberg's I Am Number Four.

Damien Walters also has a passion for Parkour and Freerunning where he incorporates his gymnastic skills as well as his stuntman abilities. On YouTube he is one of the most watched Freerunners with his videos having a total of over 30 million views.

Currently he is running his own gym in Derbyshire and shooting films.

So there you go - talented bloke!

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