Tuesday 28 June 2011

A Few Photos From a Few Years Ago in Japan.

I took these 5 years ago, before I had a digital camera even! The first one is one of my first decent photos from Japan. It's from my hotel room on the morning after we arrived. Just happened to have a good view of Mount Fuji. The second one is from up Mount Maya in Kobe  and the last 2 are from our hotel in Hokkaido. 


Steph said...

Iwant you to post the picture of the two girls dressed in wierd gingham outfits with frilly umbrellas.

The thrid picture especially is beautiful. it looks like the end of days

David Bath said...

Yeah, I like the first one too. I think it was a lucky shot, because it was before I had a digital camera. I wish I could do it again! I'll post that picture. I've got 3 or four kind of similar ones. I'll stick them all up sometime this week.