Monday 6 June 2011


Me and the Chi attended a food festival in Kobe today. Sat on the grass and ate tandoori chicken kebab/chicken curry and watched an angry father chase a mental toddler around (laughing in hysterics) and try to reprimand him for throwing ice at people.

After failing to find hot milk tea (I am tutting) and whisking round IKEA (2 new dish brushes for me, thank you very much), we had Egyptian food for tea (meaning dinner) at a restaurant called Kleopatra (also in Kobe). It was pretty simple stuff and the chicken, chips and salad reminded me of pub grub, but that's certainly not a bad thing and was definitely appreciated by my taste buds. Pasta and rice with spicy tomato sauce was interesting! Not a combination I've considered before, but we enjoyed it thoroughly and since Chiharu was already wearing her Egyptian-style necklace, it seemed appropriate to pay Kleopatra a visit. I shall return.

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