Sunday 19 June 2011

Tyondai Braxton of Battles - Simply astounding!

Please please please listen to this. It's the reason that manufactured, conveyor-belt, Simon Cowshed pop isn't worth the paper it's printed on. This is a guy from the group 'Battles'. I would love to know what movie he had in his head when he wrote it . AND what a name -Tyondai Braxton. Unless your name's Yoda or Buster Merryfield, it's pretty unbeatable.


steph said...

Ive got a CD by the battles! I bought it when I got back from Vietnam because John told me I had to. Its good stuff. You lament the television in Japan, but truth be told, jokes aside, fists shaken to the heavens, the crap and dirge and pointless, awful, shameless, souless, lazy bollocks that now passes for television has started to make me wonder if I missed something. When did people just throw up their hands and wee on their scripts and say "lets not bother with expressions or words that mean stuff or anything that might make us a bit proud and able to look at ourselves in the mirror without whispering "why?", lets give them what they deserve, themselves. The whole nation will sit and watch a bunch of wankers from essex/chelsea/newcastle/wherever walking about, being people. The worst examples of people. But just people. Lets turn the whole world into the big brother house. My big brother world prediction is becoming reality. The whole world will be walking around convinced they're being filmed and therefore being watched. It'll be like real life but not real life for real. It'll be so confusing. But it wont matter anymore. Poor Rachel watched Jeremy Kyle the other day and she cried. Not because she felt sorry for the 20 year old, betrackied, hair scratting mother of 7 who couldn't decide which baby came from which scally, no matter how many times Jeremy "axed her" who the daddy was. She cried for the state of humanity!

David Bath said...
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David Bath said...

I have begun to understand that the state of tv in the uk is pretty dire. And I am quite worried, because people need tv and tv, quite frankly, is one of the things that still advertises the uk as cool dudes on the world stage (at least the one that matters to me)(and I really don't think people who don't think there should be a license fee realise that the BBC gives Britain an amazing name in the world even when we're acting like twats in elsewhere). Do you think it's partly because we went digital? Because in a country like America, it doesn't really matter if you've got millions of tv channels, because you've also got a gerjillion people to make tv shows. But in a country like the uk, I just don't think we can sustain that many channels. We haven't got enough tv shows to spread around them. So if you put 1 good show a week on 30 channels, what you're left with is 30 shit channels. Plus what the f*** happened to our sit-coms and sketch shows and social/political satire shows? In the last 10 years how much of that has there been? Like you said, the 'watching retarded chimps walking, singing or dancing' shows seem to have taken over the tv. Did you watch 8 out of 10 cats? There's a bit (which I just have to find on youtube... wait a minute... ok, got it) in which David Mitchell is having a big rant about the judges on Strictly Come Dancing and he says, just a minute I was going to type it out, but I can't be bothered sorry, so I'll give you the link BUT my favourite bit is from 1.37 and it's my favourite thing he's said because it describes all the mean-spirited-bullshit-BigBrother-type-bollocky-arseholes that seem to be taking over tv. I hope Simon Cowell gets fired into a bed of electric cattle-prods. Because he'll deserve it!