Friday 23 March 2012

It's a Weezer-thon! Parte the First.

I loves me some pop-rock and Weezer are the kings. Blue, Pinkerton and Maladroit (despite cries to the contrary) are their amazing albums, green, red and Raditude are good (with a few stinkers) and Make Beleive (aside from the awesome Beverly Hills), Hurley and Death to False Metal are so-so. In my humble opinion. I loved Alone 1 too and wasn't fussed with Alone 2. Am currently waiting for the weekend to purchase Alone 3. So in tribute to my overenthusiasm for Weezer, here's a few of my favourites.

Good Life (Live in Camden)

"When I look in the mirror, I can't believe what I see! Tell me who's this funky dude, looking back at me?"

No-one (Livid Festival, Australia)
"I want a girl who will laugh for no-one else. When I'm away she puts her make-up on the shelf."


Holiday (on the Weezer cruise)

"Let's go away for a while, you and I, to a strange and distant land."

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