Friday 27 January 2012

Gregory Porter - 1960 What? and Franz Kafka

I heard a really nice song on someone's facebook page, called On My Way Back to Harlem. I couldn't find it on youtube though, so here's 1960 What? off his recent (I think) debut. I was so surprised it was a debut. I figured he was from way back.

The quote for today is from Franz Kafka -

"A book should serve as an axe for the frozen sea within us."

And I need to


Unknown said...

Hi! On My Way to Harlem is a new song that is available for free download from Gregory. Check my blog post on Jan 24th for the link!

Rayspark said...

Great track the 1960 What? Love the funkyness, reminds me of Telfords in Chester... Jazzzz!

David Bath said...

Niccccce! Thanks Jamie Cullum Fans. May the funkyness prevail!