Friday 27 January 2012

Gregory Porter - 1960 What? and Franz Kafka

I heard a really nice song on someone's facebook page, called On My Way Back to Harlem. I couldn't find it on youtube though, so here's 1960 What? off his recent (I think) debut. I was so surprised it was a debut. I figured he was from way back.

The quote for today is from Franz Kafka -

"A book should serve as an axe for the frozen sea within us."

And I need to

Thursday 26 January 2012

Quote by James Baldwin and Ash - Girl From Mars

Here's a quote by James Baldwin, which could not easily be surpassed in it's weight of meaning. It couldn't be more true.

"Love takes off masks that we fear we cannot live without and know we cannot live within."

In case you don't have a clue who is (like I didn't), here's a piece from wikipedia explaining.

James Baldwin, from Wikipedia

And here's a lovely song (Girl From Mars) by Ash, that's one of my all time favourites. Wish they'd write something like this again! For Chichi-poopoo from Mars!!! Love you XXX

Just in the name of being PC - I wonder if this isn't actually the Irish or Irish/UK version rather than the UK version.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Freud Quote, MIA and Suicide

Here is my quote of the day (that was meant to be yesterday's but I forgot). It made my warm a little more to Sigmund Freud and even read his stuff more seriously (maybe!).

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

I love this, because it's easy to read his stuff and think "Really? REALLY?! You really really think that what it signifies? Really?" But now I shall think about his words a bit more seriously knowing this opinion of his.

The next videos and music have some harsh comtent, but I like them. The first one, Born Free by MIA, contains a sample of the second. I was really happy when I heard it and recently purchased the album , which is pretty awesome all the way though. The second is Ghost Rider by Suicide, which is also from a great album.

And this last one is both MIA and Martin Rev from Suicide performing together on Letterman!

Monday 23 January 2012

Dennis Potter and The Fall

For Christmas I got a book of quotes, compiled by the guys behind QI. So I thought I'd stick a few here on the blog. Here's one of my favourites by Dennis Potter, writer of The Singing Detective.

"The trouble with words, is that you never know whose mouth they've been in."

And here's Masquerade by the awesome The Fall.

How can someone as grumpy as Mark E Smith, come up with something as danceable as this?!

Friday 20 January 2012

The Scapegoat by William Holman Hunt and Christmas QI with BRIAN BLESSSSED

I visited the Lady Lever art gallery, in Port Sunlight, around Christmas time and recognised this painting from a book (and the rescesses of my memory) It's a painting I don't need a reason to like. It's very charismatic. So, here's what Wikipedia has to say about it, now WP is up and running again (boooo American government) -

 And to go with it, here's a Christmas edition of the brilliant QI with Stephen Fry and Brian Blessed. I missed it when I was home and was excited to find it online via the brilliant Nickfromfullham. Enjoy!

Thursday 19 January 2012

The Night

Three short poems that I turned into one. I don't know whether it's corny or not, but I like it.

The Night

I love the night
and her surprises,
all her mysteries
and guises.

What does she hold?
The moon and the stars,
and bats that hang
from window ledges,
then fall into her arms.

So, how can I close the curtains,
and shut out
all those stars?
Deny the night
my room’s dim light
and deny my room
her charms.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Tuesday 17 January 2012

The Shins Return! Plus The Vaccines and Beach House.

 A welcome return for The Shins. I love the Shins. This is their new song Simple Song, and their album Port of Morrow will be out on March 20th.

I've also been belatedly getting into The Vaccines album. So, here's the first track Wreckin' Bar (Ra Ra Ra), live on Jools Holland.

I heard this band on Guy Garvey's Finest Hour (Radio 6 show) and was pleased as punch when my sister bought it for my at Christmas. It's Beach House with the song Zebra.

Thursday 12 January 2012

The wanderer returns.

I haven't posted anything for AGES. This is a tiny post of my favourite track off the Noah and the Whale album The First Days of Spring. It was bought for me by my sister for Christmas and I was jolly pleased I shall tell you!!! Better posts to follow for 2012 I hope! Happy New Year!!!!