Friday 27 May 2011

The Unwretched Handclap Band and a Poem for Steph.

Firstly (and less importantly) my last, Stranglers, post was actually going to be a different video that I favourited on youtube a while ago. It was going to be The Phenomenal Handclap Band and by coincidence I found out, this afternoon, that Quinn Luke was in the Phenomenal Handclap Band. Quinn Luke being the guy behind Bing Ji Ling, which was my first video post. I had no idea. Still reading? See video above. 

Secondly (and more importantly) my sister is not doing so well health-wise right now, so here's a short poem I wrote for her ages ago. It was just called For Steph, but titles aren't my strong point!

Today I felt wretched,
But today is old and tarnished
And tomorrow brings forth many new days.
Maybe I'll shine tomorrow!

Hope you like it Steph! Hope you're on the up!!

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