Wednesday 25 May 2011

The First Post on the Triangle

I'm not sure where the title sprang from. Hmmm what's going to be my first blog post. How about a poem. Hope you like it, it's called 'Wishbone' -

The wishbone the chicken is missing,
The scales on the butterfly's wings,
The elephant's tusks an'
the songs of the busker,
You complete me,
Like all of these things.

A poem that's wordless
is worthless,
A silence
inside of a book.
A book which is spineless
is pageless (and hopeless),
A hoover that's hoseless
just sucks.

The cowboy who's horseless
has a long way to walk for
his moment,
Before the sunset is lost.

A horizonless sun
has nowhere to go,
No daybreak to show him
how bright he can glow.
And it's a sad little splinter
that's brushed from the tree,
But like all of this stuff,

Without you,
I'm just me.

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