Tuesday 29 May 2012

I'm Back for a Brand New Attack (or something)

It's been ages since I posted anything, so here's a few tidbits.

This is a poem about waiting for your phone to vibrate, waiting for a message from your special person.

Waiting For the Buzz

Waiting for the buzz
that’s coming,
Wearing wings
or fins
(or something).
Who am I against this woman?

She is rather bold
(as brass),
Timid, kind,
Strong and funny.
A great petite tiger,
With the purr of a Persian cat,
on a steam train
that’s trailing off honey.
The windows are
maple leaves
and outside
it’s sunny.

Yet, in my chest
it is brass monkeys.
As cold as gold
shining, shimmering,
A trembling hand
that’s won
big winnings.

Who am I without this woman?
Waiting for a buzz
(that’s coming).

A villain
or a fiend
(or somone).
She can change my heart
from black,
Back to red
and back intact.
With her
I feel like
a comic book hero
on a tandem to Happiness
with Helen Shapiro.

Ramblings, randomly
assembled thusly.

Here’s the buzz.
From her?
It must be!

This is a new folk band from England called Dry the River. This video shows an interesting poster campaign they did with tin cans that played their song.

Lastly, is Clive Anderson's BBC Radio 4 show Loose Ends. Amongst the guests in this episode is the punk poet John Cooper Clarke. It'll expire sometime, but the show's good to look up anyway, whoever's on it. It's a big mix of things every week.

Loose Ends (with John Cooper Clarke guesting)

Hope you like it!

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