Wednesday 23 November 2011

Monday 21 November 2011

Pengu!ns - Warm Up

A song by Zak Starkey's new band. I think it's with his daughter. He is, of course, the son of Ringo Starr (real name Richard Starkey) and his first wife Maureen. It sounds like a really promising band. I heard a track called Hate Male too, but it's not on Youtube I don't think.

Pengu!ns - Warm Up

Oh! I just found a clip of Hate Male.

Hate Male

Thursday 17 November 2011

For the Clown

A poem I thought of about a cartoon type painting I'm doing.

For the clown
you see, it's hard
finding words
to fix a heart.

A haiku style poem by Francis Howell and a TuNe by LCD Soundsystem

Not at all related, but juxtaposition is the spice of life.

LCD Soundsystem - Yr City's a Sucker (London Session)

Cloud maps shift across
a windy sky, as unknown
countries ebb and flow.

By Francis Howell

It reminds me of looking through an aeroplane window. My favourite place to be - above the clouds!

Wednesday 9 November 2011

Pumpkin Carving and Veggie Animals

I can't say how much I love these. I love all kinds of art and these are creative and beautifully made. The first link shows pumpkins carved by Ray Villafane and the second shows veggie and fruit animals. I'm not sure who by but they're very lovable like vintage toys. Not everything in the second link is great, but the ones that are are double-great.

Friday 4 November 2011

Babies 'cry in mother's tongue'

I was sitting here at the school I work at, wondering what to do, when I suddenly thought "I wonder if the crying sounds of babies are different in different countries?". "I bet they are!" I thought. And I was right! Hooray for me! Here's an article from the BBC about some tests that a German scientist did.

I know that at some of the schools around here (language schools) mothers and fathers take their babies and the foreign teachers talk to the babies for about 45 minutes. And get paid. Super! I imagine it does help though, as crazy as it sounds.

Here's the link, but I'll copy and paste it any way.

German researchers say babies begin to pick up the nuances of their parents' accents while still in the womb.

The researchers studied the cries of 60 healthy babies born to families speaking French and German.
The French newborns cried with a rising "accent" while the German babies' cries had a falling inflection. 

Writing in the journal Current Biology, they say the babies are probably trying to form a bond with their mothers by imitating them. 

The findings suggest that unborn babies are influenced by the sound of the first language that penetrates the womb. 

Cry melodies

It was already known that foetuses could memorise sounds from the outside world in the last three months of pregnancy and were particularly sensitive to the contour of the melody in both music and human voices. 

Earlier studies had shown that infants could match vowel sounds presented to them by adult speakers, but only from 12 weeks of age. 

Kathleen Wermke from the University of Wurzburg, who led the research, said: "The dramatic finding of this study is that not only are human neonates capable of producing different cry melodies, but they prefer to produce those melody patterns that are typical for the ambient language they have heard during their foetal life. 

"Contrary to orthodox interpretations, these data support the importance of human infants' crying for seeding language development." 

Dr Wermke's team recorded and analysed the cries of 60 healthy newborns when they were three to five days old. 

Their analysis revealed clear differences in the shape of the infants' cry melodies that corresponded to their mother tongue. 

They say the babies need only well-co-ordinated respiratory-laryngeal systems to imitate melody contours and not the vocal control that develops later. 

Dr Wermke said: "Newborns are highly motivated to imitate their mother's behaviour in order to attract her and hence to foster bonding. 

"Because melody contour may be the only aspect of their mother's speech that newborns are able to imitate, this might explain why we found melody contour imitation at that early age." 

Debbie Mills, a reader in developmental cognitive neuroscience at Bangor University, said: "This is really interesting because it suggests that they are producing sounds they have heard in the womb and that means learning and that it is not an innate behaviour. 

"Many of the early infant behaviours are almost like reflexes that go away after the first month and then come back later in a different form. 

"It would be interesting to look at these babies after a month and see if their ability to follow the melodic contours of their language is still there."



Massive Attack vs Burial - Paradise Circus. Introduced by May Anne Hobbs from BBC Radio 1.

Friday 28 October 2011

Richard Wilbur - Mind


Mind in its purest play is like some bat
That beats about in caverns all alone,
Contriving by a kind of senseless wit
Not to conclude against a wall of stone.

It has no need to falter or explore;
Darkly it knows what obstacles are there,
And so may weave and flitter, dip and soar
In perfect courses through the blackest air.

And has this simile a like perfection?
The mind is like a bat. Precisely. Save
That in the very happiest of intellection
A graceful error may correct the cave.

– Richard Wilbur

I don't know if I fully understand the last verse, but it paints an amazing image.

Thursday 27 October 2011

I've heard this song on Radio 6 so many times, and never noted what it was and then came across it elsewhere by accident. I love it. It's got such a cool and simple swagger. The band are from Brooklyn, New York and have only been together since 12th September 2010! I think this is their 2nd single and it's released on 31st October on Lucky Number Music. Enjoy!

This next band foxed me for a while there. I thought they sounded a bit English putting on an accent of sorts and subsequently discovered they come from Oxford. I subsequently subsequently found out it's Oxford, Mississippi! So there you go. From their facebook page:

Young Buffalo was born in the summer of '09 in a small house in the country. Without much more than song ideas and one booked show, the guys began crafting a sound steeped in 3-part harmonies and pounding percussion. Young Buffalo self-released the Catapilah Demo with plans to release an EP in spring '11.

Here's their website

Wednesday 26 October 2011

LCD Sound System, LEGO and Uranium

How could LCD Soundsystem get any better? LEGO!!! THAT'S HOW!!!!! 

How could LEGO get any better? LCD BLOOMIN SOUDSYSTEM THAT'S HOW!!!!!!!

How could uranium get any better?! Radioactive Man - THAT'S HOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday 17 October 2011

Marconi Union - A Shower of Sparks

I just heard this group on Jarvis Cocker's radio show. I couldn't find the track they played, but I loved the title of this. The track starts opening up around 1.35 and it gets really nice towards the end.

Here's their website:

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Shabazz Palaces - SWERVE The Reeping of All that is Worthwhile (Noir Not Withstanding)

Golly gosh, this is amazing. It's the same group as yesterday. According to Wikipedia they are a Seatle hip-hop collective led by Butterfly of Digable Planets.

Thursday 6 October 2011

We Are Amused

Chiharu is Japanese and when we were in a bar one time, and I'd let my stubble grow a bit too long, she started pointing at my chin, saying "Red, brown, black, gold" etc. It was the first time  I'd noticed that I had different coloured beard hairs. It was a big novelty for her. It's one of my favourite memories, since it made me chuckle!

Counting my whiskers, 
which've grown far too long, 
as if they're autumnal maple leaves -

"Red, brown, gold,
 red, brown, gold,
 red, brown, gold,
 red, brown, gold,"
scarcely believing 
her eyes aren't in wrong, 
it appears she's amused 
and amusingly pleased!

King Midas Sound - Earth A Kill Ya (Gang Gang Dance Rework Hyper Dub 2011) )

This guy is called Kevin Martin and just the list of labels he's worked on is amazing on its own. He's got a handful of pseudonyms and has worked with some great artists, including El-P and Alec Empire. I shall be investigating the chap further. I love the video (don't know who by) and the rework by Gang Gang Dance, an experimental band from New York. Here's the original tune, which is hypnotic and pretty amazing:

The funniest man on Earth

David O'Doherty is the funniest man on Earth and I shall share his funniness... NOW:

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Bare Branches

This is a short poem I wrote trying to finish another one. I like this one better though!

Autumn's here,
avert your stare,
the trees have stripped
their branches bare.
Their leafy robes
lie everywhere.

Thursday 29 September 2011

St. Vincent - Cruel

This is the first I've heard of her. She's an artist rather than part of a band, although she used to be in The Polyphonic Spree and toured with Sufjan Stevens' band. She resides in Manhattan currently, her real name is Annie Erin Clark and her moniker of St. Vincent is a nod to Saint Vincent's Catholic Medical Center, where the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died in 1953.

This information has been brought to you with the help of Wikipedia.

This is her website   -

I'm not sure what label she's on in the UK and USA but I found that she's on Beggar's in Canada (just scroll down a bit).

Wednesday 28 September 2011

tUnE-yArDs - Gangsta

I love this song. Need to get tune-yards albums. I  think it's one woman from New-York.

Tuesday 27 September 2011

3 Great Songs

British Sea Power, Frank Wilson, and Public Image Limited (PiL)

Saturday 24 September 2011

Source Code

Amazing movie! Hopefully this works. Coninue to content! Putlocker is awesome! DivX can kiss my shiny metal ass!|1316797294

Friday 23 September 2011

Dave's are WISE!!!

The wisdom of David Mitchell.

Ha ha ha ha ha! Thank you David.

Thursday 22 September 2011

A Couple More Poems (Less good ones! Ha ha!)

I'm not so sure anyone will like these, but I do, so I thought I'd stick them up here.


you're a  friendly face.
No stranger
than the human race.

My Poem, My Rules

Concrete is not an
attractive material.
A meal after morning
should not involve cereal.
A rabbit or pig
does not need a lead.
These are my rules -
the world should take heed.
Sweetcorn's a veg and a
fruit and a seed.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

A Couple of Poems

These are just a couple that I've had in the notes section on my phone for a while. One is about 2 business men (salary men in Japan) dropping their coins everywhere in the supermarket (again and again and again!) and the other's about feeling a bit down one night, a long time ago, and the power of tea to cheer you up!

All Over the Place

Two salary men,
With bright red faces,
Dropping coins
All over places.
Thinking the checkout
Might be a bar - 
I think they've already 
Been for a jar.

The SS Cuppaty

Night has fallen
and all at sea,
with broken sails,
I'll make some tea.

An additional note - when Asian people have been drinking, they sometimes get red faces and 'jar' is British slang for a pint of beer (although it's not massively common to hear it said).

Saturday 17 September 2011

Lady Songs!

Yes - lady songs exist! I discovered them and they're sung by ladies! Not like the Spice Girls, but by proper ladies with brains and hearts and souls! Here's 3 that I came across. P J (Polly) Harvey with The Words That Maketh Murder (Live at the Mercury Music Prize ceremony), Planningtorock with Bolton Wanderer (live at Bestival), and Anna Calvi with Suzzane and I.

Friday 9 September 2011

Arcade Fire, Manchester, Aug 2011

I'm back from the UK and Barcelona. I'll write about it soon, but for now here's a few of music vids from the Arcade Fire's amazing Manchester gig on August 31st. I went with my sister, Steph and they were so much better live than on cd. Really incredible. It brings their albums to life after you've seen them live.

Tuesday 23 August 2011

A Few of My Least Favourite Things

I was thinking about the song 'My Favorite Things' from 'The Sound of Music'  and wrote this. I thought it was funny, but I would appreciate comments. It's not definitely finished. A couple of the references are Japanese ones, but most are just general things that annoy me!

These are just some
of my least
favourite things.

Big Chinese spoons
that spill soup
down my chin.

Two holes for recycling
that go in
the same bin.

Volume controls
that don't do
what they should.

When I step in
a poo,
when I thought
it was mud.

which I wish
could be brick.

When I must be
when I think
you're a...

Two hours to go,
with the onset
of boredom.

and txting
and stepping
in sick.

Second-hand goods,
which should
have a cord on.

Big dogs
in front gardens
(some owners are thick!).

When my watch
rubs the hairs
on the side 
of my wrist.

Having to clean
when there's folks 
who made robots.

Ruling supreme, but
still feeling
like no-one.

procrastination - 
that means
every morning
I run
to the station.

People who push 
into queues
for the train.

When people
curse sunshine
and then curse
the rain.

Groups who walk slowly,
the breadth of the street.

I want to stick
drawing pins
into their feet.

Things I won't kill,
but can fly
and can hurt me.

The impulse to kill
that can make me
feel guilty.

Kids who forgot
about Burt,
about Ernie,

about Egon Spengler
and Penfold
(THAT hurts me!!!)

My favourite
auld trainers,
at the end 
of their life!

How to 
dispose of 
an old rusty knife?

Putting my fingers
through cheap
toilet paper.

Never doing 
stuff now...
then not doing it 

Laughing and making
the noise of a pig.

Things that are small
that should really
be big.

When I get
pins and needles
and my foot
starts to float.

dried food,
that's not mine,
off my coat.

A kid at the zoo, who
just wants to see goats.

You smokers think
you can waft all 
the smoke

away from my eyes
and my nose
and my throat.

When elderly people
don't know 
they're half deaf,

yet they hear
every word
like the wind's
wispy breath.

When the tock-ticking
keeps me awake,

but it's troublesome
moving it
further away.

Toddlers with shoes
that go squeak when
they step.

The annual boil
that engulfs
half my neck.

Having to stare
at a strip
of material

stretched to it's limit
round a stomach
that's spherical.

The grossness 
of treading
on slugs
when they pop.

The big sniff
that gives me
a mouthful of snot.

that my hairline's
grown thin.

A civilisation
of flies in my bin.

Big spiders.

Pop Idol.

Having to sing.

These are just some
of my least
favourite things.

Friday 19 August 2011

3 Colours Brown

The leaves have lost their colour,
That I picked up off the ground.
Their colours numbered three before,
But now they're only brown.

A Girl Like You

I want a girl
with your complexion,
A girl unhindered
by correction,
I want to wallow 
in your words,
I want to drown 
in your affection.

Friday 12 August 2011

S s s s s s ummer ssssOOOOnic 2011

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Live on French TV

Morning Benders - Love Fool (cover version)


Red Hot Chili Peppers -  Dani California

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Under the Bridge

ใŸใฎใ—ใฟ ๅƒๆ™ด!!!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Sumer Sonic vids

Just as I climb into my futon zzzzzzzzzz 

Night night zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Wednesday 10 August 2011

(summer sonic 2011) (^^)/

Jon Spencer Blues Explosion - Dang

Morning Benders - Virgins

Androp - Bright Siren

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication

Tuesday 9 August 2011

sUmMeRR sSsOOnIcccccc 2011 (^-^)/

Friendly Fires - Hawaiian Air

Smith Westerns - My Heart (Live in Texas)

PIL (Public Image Limited) - Death Disco

Red Hot Chili Peppers - Scar Tissue

Thursday 4 August 2011

More Summer Sonic 2011

Smith Westerns, Morning Benders, House of Pain and another Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Summer Sonic Bands!!!!

These are some vids for Chi to listen to in preparation for Summer Sonic 2011 at Osaka! HOORAY!!!

Monday 1 August 2011


Bees here have massive big shadows,
I don't think a shadow should be
Cast from them 
Like they're stealth bombers,
Shadows from bees
Should not be.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Tokimonsta - Cheese Smoothie

I thought she was a Japanese DJ, which is why I bought the album on a whim. But, in fact, she's from LA and the album is amazing! I've never heard of her before (although the album was on display) but I really think she should at least be as big as Flying Lotus, because it's really good stuff. Just my cup of cheese-smoothie.

Friday 29 July 2011

Like Cats and Mice

They are thin.
They are fat.
They eat like mice.
They eat like cats.
They should eat more
Food that's BIG!
They are greedy
Like a PIG!

I wrote it the other day, but I don't know if it's good or not. It's just meant to be funny.

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Louis C.K on Jimmy Kimmel

I like Jimmy Kimmel, but knew NONE of the guests when I looked down the list on youtube. There was one, however, who's great. He's pretty rude in his stand-up routine, but not so much so in this interview. Can't wait to watch his show.

Robin Ince, funny comedian.

Came across this guy. He's very funny, so please listen. Stand-up. (Him, not you). Message ends.

Robin Ince, stand-up comedian.

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Monday 25 July 2011

David Mitchell - Unusually Smart Men

Sorry David Mitchell, but I HATE wearing a dickey-bow! I'm certainly not cool, just not a natural bow-tie wearer. I have a black tie with a black paisley design on it though, so sorry for ruining things for you. Funny rant from David M. Enjoy!

Friday 22 July 2011

ee cummings - why must itself up every of a park

I just read this and it blew me away. I want to read more poetry and I think this was a good start. It's the beginning of a poem.

why must itself up every of a park
anus stick some quote statue unquote to
prove that a hero equals any jerk
who was afraid to dare to answer "no"?

I take it to question what is a hero. Sometimes I think it's strange too, when someone's elevated above other people because they got shot.

Thursday 21 July 2011

Fry's English Delight - Stephen Fry Talking About 'Brevity'

I'm either getting old or... no, that's it really. I'm getting old and I found something on radio 4, about language, incredibly interesting. Here's Stephen Fry talking about 'Brevity' and the English language. Includes Tim Vine, which can only be a good thing.

Fry's English Delight - Brevity

Wednesday 20 July 2011

Shawn Lane's Guitar Has a Face! (And It's Friend Plays a Solo and Abstract Logic)

 Why on earth wouldn't the little blighter be happy with stuff like this (albeit on a different, but equally merry,  guitar)- 

Crazy Parkour! Damien Walters

Parkour is insanely skilled, athletic and amazing. This is Damien Walters and here's some info I stole off Wikipedia (which I edited a bit):

Damien Walters is a former British gymnast of Derbyshire. He participated in four Trampoline World Championships... Since then he has not participated in further tournaments and has focused on his other projects, mainly his career as a stuntman, but he also appeared in a few commercials and performed in acrobatic shows.

Walters has had the role of stuntman in the films Hellboy IIKick-AssNinja Assassin and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In 2010, he won the Taurus World Stunt Awards for "Best Fight" in the film Ninja Assassin'.[4] He will also appear in the upcoming films BlitzThe Eagle and Steven Spielberg's I Am Number Four.

Damien Walters also has a passion for Parkour and Freerunning where he incorporates his gymnastic skills as well as his stuntman abilities. On YouTube he is one of the most watched Freerunners with his videos having a total of over 30 million views.

Currently he is running his own gym in Derbyshire and shooting films.

So there you go - talented bloke!