Friday 19 October 2012

Manet, Morisot, and Goya.

Here's a link between three artists - Manet, Goya and Morisot.

This first one is 'The Balcony' by Edouard Manet. I think of him as king of the Impressionists but I know he's not really.

Manet, I've heard on the grapevine, was an admirer of Spanish art and so 'The Balcony' was influenced by 'The Majas at the Balcony' by Goya.

Lastly, one of the female figures in 'The Balcony' is Berthe Morisot, who introduced Manet to the impressionists. He associated with them, even though he didn't exhibit with them. Berthe Morisot is said to have encouraged Manet to paint plein air.


Friday 12 October 2012

Funny Animals, Goldspot and Emika

There's simply nothing funnier than funny animals. Have a go. No - see. Here is a pigmy hippo eating lettuce and a link to more funny animals. 

Recently I downloaded an iPhone app called 'Band of the Day'. It's free and amazing. It gives you a new, and genuinely awesome, band everyday. Each band has reviews, a biography, clips from albums and more. Here's two great bands that I discovered.


Ina Mina Dika


Double Edge

 Double Edge, Live in Malta

Tuesday 9 October 2012

3D Printing

This is one of many attempts to get back into the routine of blogging. I've never got so much to say but now I have the advantage of having lots of iPhone apps to give me interesting info.

This isn't from an app. It's just something I've been meaning to look up for a while. It's a 3D printer. I couldn't imagine how it worked, but I watched this vid and it blow my tiny mind.

Have a look: